Proven Results.
All credit to Madison! You can't get results like that without putting in the effort and showing up every single week. Next, if you follow my 12 week program guideline, THAT IS WHAT IS POSSIBLE! Hitting your personalized macros, meal timing, go-to high protein meals, daily light movement, strength training, etc. She is also crushing performance goals and isn't stopping here 💪
Madison 12 Week Transformation
Madison 12 Week Transformation II
Madison 12 Week Transformation III
Shoutout Joe for this unbelievable 12 week transformation! Joe is a busy father who made big changes to his diet from our first week. Same macros, different QUALITY of foods, and look at the results. Joe also has some injuries and work outs *only* 3x a week. We really focused on full body splits and leg day, and it just goes to show you what we do OUTSIDE the gym will have the biggest impact on our body comp and weight! Again, why it’s so important to take those before pictures! Joe looks like a different human, and I’m damn proud of him for all his hard work on top of work and being a dad 💪
Joe B 12 Week Transformation
Joe B II
Joe B IV
Brandi's incredible 12 week transformation! Brandi is a mother who brings her daughter to Fitstop at least once a week with her to workout. If you’re a parent, you know how hard it is juggling your health and also being a good and present parent! Brandi became a client shortly after joining Fitstop and she immediately hit the ground running with her nutrition and habits outside the gym. I also gave her some sourdough starter (don’t tell her this but she’s already better than me with sourdough) in which she integrated into her go-to meals everyday🔥 These are the same clothes and sizes in all pictures 🤯 What we do OUTSIDE the gym will have a HUGE impact on how we look and feel everyday! The sky is the limit when you continue to show up week after week. The protein, the meal prepping, the hard work is all worth it 👊🏻
Brandi III
Here's an update on Eric 6 weeks later to complete his 12 week transformation! He's now down 17lbs when a body recomp was our goal. This is what's possible when you show up every week from day 1. Go-to high protein meals, strength training, and consistency!
Eric I
Eric II
Eric III
Eric IV
Shoutout Johnny for his hard work since day 1 of the program. I joked with him people are gonna think I’m handing out roids in here and he also approved of the face shot in the last picture 😭 In all seriousness, Johnny was coming off an injury when we first started and immediately started crushing his workouts again. To lower his body fat, he implemented everything in the 12 week program in regards to his macros, whole foods, meal prepping and finding his go-to meals. Johnny is also a father and a business owner who is in the middle of moving into a new house. If he can do it, anyone can.. no excuses let’s go 👀👊🏻
Johnny 12 Week Transformation
Johnny II
Johnny III
How do we get that toned look most of us want? BUILD muscle in your workouts, BURN fat through your diet. Which brings me to the unbelievable 12 week transformation from Colleen! She went from working out 6-7 days a week to 5 days a week and got these results (progressive overload is king). Colleen is also a mother of two and I always gotta bring that up in these transformations because god damn it can be hard to be a parent. Lastly, Colleen quickly found her high protein go-to meals and put them on autopilot! It’s what I preach for simplicity and sustainability. She also just hit her deadlift PR of 225 for 4 reps 💪🏻
Colleen I
Colleen II
Colleen III
THIS is what is possible in just 7 weeks when you hit the ground running from week 1 day 1! Bobby is doing the same workouts, but completely overhauled is way of eating ✅ Bobby is a hard working father of two, and wakes up early almost every single morning to crush a 5am workout. No excuses, he shows up every single week 📈 Also, this is only about an 8-10lb difference over the course of 7 weeks.. why it’s SO important to track that body comp and how your clothes are fitting! Really proud of Bobby and his journey.. this is just the beginning 💪🏻
Bobby 7 Week Transformation
Julie is another mom here who completely changed her figure in SIX weeks! This is what is possible when you find your go-to high protein meals, crush your workouts every week, and keep showing up. I hope these transformations continue to motivate everyone else as much as they motivate me. Julie also broke her finger and is continuing to crush it at the gym doing the best she can. Cannot wait to see where she’ll be in another 6 weeks. Crazy work and family life, we’re all busy.. no one cares keep workin 💪🏻📈
Julie I
Julie II
Julie III
Marty has lost 27 lbs in 12 weeks and is at his lowest weight since high school! Marty quickly found his go-to breakfast and lunch, which is what I preach. He completely transformed his life and his family’s life forever. Marty didn’t believe we could get into the 180s when he first started.. his final weigh in was 170lbs on the dot!
Marty I
Marty II
Marty III
Here’s an update on Bobby who might have a 16 pack by Summer 👀🔥 His weight stayed around the same, ALL about body recoup and lowering that overall body fat! Same workouts.. whole new way of consistent eating! Bobby is a hard working father of two dealing with nonstop illnesses, sleep regressions and the daily grind of being a parent! 😭 No excuses, Bobby preps every weekend, shows up to his 5AM workouts and his performance went off the charts 💪 Damn proud of Bobby and his incredible journey, keep showing up 📈
Bobby 12 Week Transformation
6 weeks, down 8lbs, completely new body and rocking an XS dress for her engagement shoot! All credit to Madison for quickly finding her go-to high protein meals and showing up every week. She also accomplished this by investing in a Ninja Creami, enjoying some pizza on some weekends, and a vacation in the middle of her program. Consistency > perfection 🔥
Madison I
Madison II
Madison III
I previously posted Craig’s awesome 8 week transformation but THIS is what I mean by SUSTAINABLE changes! A completely new person. My 12 week program isn’t meant to be a fad diet and Craig epitomizes that! He also accomplished this while becoming a father in the process. Anyone who’s a parent can relate to how hard that can be especially the first time around! All credit to Craig for just staying consistent throughout the process and continuing to show up. Find your go-to meals, prioritize protein, rid the body of inflammation, and stay active!
Craig R
SEVEN weeks.. in her late 30s, eating more food than ever.. REALLY proud of this one because I got to coach Jenna the first time she walked into Fitstop! To see what she has become in such short period of time is really motivating and I’m damn proud of what she has accomplished so far. I was nervous I wasn’t gonna be able to get Jenna to eat enough because it’s difficult to get in the mindset of eating MORE to lose fat/weight. She hit the ground running from day 1 crushing her macros with whole foods, protein and all.
Jenna 7 Week Transformation
Shoutout ‘D’ for this awesome 12 week transformation 🔥 He is 50 years old, a father, and works 50+ hour weeks so he had to make this all happen with his home gym 💪🏻 We actually INCREASED his calories right from the start and he LOST weight despite his goal just being a body recomp! He crushed his workout program 5x a week, and he immediately began prepping an egg bake for the week to break the fast with everyday. Build muscle in your workouts, burn fat through your diet.. proud of ‘D’ for all his hard work despite his crazy schedule!
Another update this time from Hailey! 🔥 Look at her body comp and body fat changes since when we first started! Hailey is a hard working mom who also owns her own business.. the busier we are, the more important it is to prep for every week! No excuses for Hailey, she showed up every single week no matter how busy. Can’t wait to see where she is by Summer 📈
Hailey 16 Week Transformation
Hailey II
Hailey III
Shoutout Ashley for this awesome 6 week transformation! She was a little down on herself that she *only* lost 6lbs. THIS is why I preach tracking body composition! I asked her to take some updated pictures and she looks like a different human DESPITE the number on the scale!
Ashley I
Ashley II
Chelsea is a mother, works full-time and worked out 3x per week! She prioritized strength training above all else and look at her incredible body recomposition! She was also not able to eat read meat for years before joining my program. No she's able to eat red meat whenever she wants without any gut issues. No matter how busy she got, she just kept showing up every week. I'm so proud of her and her progress!
Chelsea II
Chelsea III
'I started this 12 week program with the intentions of just feeling better, toning and thinking that any fat loss was just going to be a bonus. I'm a trainer myself, a mom of two (8 & 4) and a wife with a household to run. We are a busy family but I have goals and I was determined to get there. 6 weeks into the program, my clothes were fitting better, I hit a couple PR's but most importantly, I was finally feeling like myself again! 12 weeks later and I'm still feeling stronger, I basically went up in weight with everything AND I'm still feeling incredible! I can not thank Frank enough for the support, motivation and modifications if I had a last minute at home work out! The food part of this was the hardest but the struggle was worth the reward, for sure! Thanks for all of your help!'
Taylor II
Shoutout Jenna for this incredible progress in just EIGHT weeks! Jenna hit the ground running from week 1 day 1, and just stayed consistent week after week. Every weekend was NOT perfect, but she preps and keeps everything very simple! We have go-to high protein meals, we aim for those macros everyday and the diet consists of mostly whole foods ✅ Jenna is crushing the same workouts at Fitstop (her performance has also 📈📈), but now she has a whole new way of eating and THAT has been the difference! Lastly, Jenna is a mother of two and works full time.. if she can do it, ANYONE can do it. Really proud of her, but we don’t stop here 🔥💪🏻
Jenna 8 Week Transformation
Jenna II
Jenna III
Shoutout Rachel for her incredible progress over her 12 week program and her personally journey over the past 8 months! She changed her life in less than a year and now she is THRIVING. When we first started her 12 weeks, we INCREASED her calories and she finally pushed through her weight loss plateau she could not get past despite working with other nutritionists! FUEL your body, don’t deprive it. We also started focusing on strength training and progressive overload leading Rachel to hit PRs while also shredding body fat! Cannot wait to see where she is by Summer!
Rachel 12 Week Transformation
Rachel 8 Month Transformation
Rachel III
THIS is what is possible over the course of 16 weeks! I’m confident and proud to say Mary changed her life over the last 16 weeks. In regards to her body comp, her new physique, and her mental health, she is a whole new person and I’m damn proud of her for that! Mary is a mother, works full-time, AND is also working on getting her masters. NO excuses, meals prepped, we aimed to tweak the diet every week with more whole foods, less snacks, and more protein. Mary also accomplished this by crushing our strength training workouts just 3x per week! No 40-50 min stairmaster, elliptical, or treadmill. I preached daily light movement, strength training and progressive overload. Mary did NOT miss a workout 💪 This is what happens when you keep showing up 📈
Mary 16 Week Transformation
Mary II
Mary III
Shoutout Britt for the awesome body recomp and 12 week transformation! Britt is another person who was REALLY focused on the scale every week which did go down and we hit some new lows BUT she really wasn’t proud of herself until she took updated pictures! Again, this is why I preach ‘before’ pics. This is why your clothes will fit differently but the scale might not move as much as you’d like. A completely new body type, way lower body fat and she has gotten STRONGER in her lifts throughout the process 🔥💪🏻
Britt I
Britt II
Becca’s AMAZING body comp transformation in just 8 weeks 🔥💪🏻 Becca was someone who didn’t have much weight to lose so we REALLY emphasized BUILDING muscle through her workouts and burning some body fat through her diet! In just 8 weeks look at the muscle she has added with still the peak phase of her programming to go. From the thinner waste to the toned shoulders and all 💪🏻 Bonus: we had to STOP programming back workouts for Becca because her back was getting too muscular for her wedding dress 😭 She’s an absolute beast who can do an unassisted pull-up now and an awesome example for all the women out there!
Becca II
Becca III
Shoutout Erin for this awesome transformation from her face, her hips, her arms, her abs.. just incredible! Erin is a mom who also travels frequently for work. No excuses, she meal prepped for her work trips and still got her workouts in no matter how busy. I also watched her performance in the gym skyrocket over the course of the 12 weeks. From PR’s on her main lifts to crushing her endurance workouts.. all during the holidays 📈
Shoutout Mackenzie for her incredible progress over the last 16 weeks! 🔥🔥 Mackenzie started meal prepping since day 1 and bringing her food with her to work every single day. She crushes 3 meals a day centered around protein and whole foods, and she did not miss a workout, just like I preach. Mackenzie also accomplished this all over the holidays and several trips.. consistency will rule all!
Mackenzie 16 Week Transformation
Mackenzie II
Abby lost a little over 10lbs over the course of her 12 week program BUT now she has a whole different wardrobe! She looks NOTICEABLY different in her face, arms, waist, legs and no love handles! We also did this by INCREASING her calories 👀 Shoutout Abby for all her hard work and amazing progress over her 12 weeks! 💪🏻
Abby I
Abby II
Lauren's awesome body recomp in just SIX weeks! Lauren is a mother and is plenty experienced in the gym and nutrition. Sometimes it just takes some tweaks and an awesome booty builder workout program 😭 This is why tracking body comp is so important and not OBSESSING over the number on the scale! Lauren crushes her workouts almost every morning before work (not easy to do) and is able to adjust to any changes we make to her macros on the fly 🔥 I cannot wait to share her full 12 week transformation at the end of her program!
Lauren II
Lauren III
Maryn lost 10lbs in 12 weeks, but more importantly, completely changed her body comp! Again, THIS is why tracking body comp is so important! Maryn quickly found her high protein staple meals just two weeks in and has been crushing it consistently ever since. She also accomplished this in the middle of a move AND a date night out to eat with her husband almost every week! Proud of her and her hard work.
Maryn I
Maryn II
Mike took everything from his 12 week program and continued to show up everyday. This is what I mean by sustainable changes. The person on the left is officially UNRECOGNIZABLE! Mike also serves our country and is a father. All credit to him for his continued hard work!
Mike’s Updated Transformation
Albert works full-time, and he’s a father of THREE (I only have one kid right now and I feel my life is insane 😭). He lost 15lbs in 11 weeks without even tracking his calories. He obviously made all the nutrition tweaks and gets his workouts done BEFORE work on most mornings (I know that mental grind of morning workouts)! Even more important than the weight, a complete overhaul of his body comp. He’s also training for an upcoming 10 mile run! Really proud of him and his hard work!
10lbs and shredding body fat in just 8 weeks.. shoutout Chelsea for this AWESOME transformation! 🔥💪🏻 Chelsea works in law enforcement in Philadelphia which as you can imagine is very demanding and difficult. She works long hours and prepping your meals isn’t always ideal. HOWEVER, when you’re committed to yourself and your goals, you find a way, you make it happen! I can’t wait to see Chelsea continue to improve and optimize her health and fitness over the course of her program.. sky is the limit if you just continue to show up every single week 📈
Chelsea 8 Week Transformation
Chelsea II
Chelsea III
Huge shoutout to Eric for this incredible SIX WEEK body recomp transformation! He hit the ground running with everything I gave him since week 1 day 1. Same workouts at Fitstop.. whole new way of eating. Remember: what we do outside the gym and what we eat will have the biggest impact on our body comp and weight! He’s not starving himself, he still enjoys his weekends and social life. Our goal was strictly body recomp, and he lost almost 10lbs so far. We increased his light movement throughout the day as well, threw in some workout snacks and he’s been unbelievable with his go-to meals. THIS is what is possible with 6 weeks of consistency 🔥
Eric I
Eric II
Eric III
Jenn is a busy 42 year old mother who works full-time! When she first came to me, body recomp was our main goal because Jenn was already in great shape AND she didn’t love the idea of tracking her calories. Then day 1 came and Jenn was off to the races crushing her macros and found her go-to high protein meals in just 1-2 weeks! She lost 11lbs when body recomp was our goal That toned look we want comes from strength training, protein, and CONSISTENCY!
Jenn I
Jenn II
Jenn III
When I shared Sage’s 5 week transformation, I told her sky is the limit if she just stays consistent and keeps showing up. Fast forward 6 weeks later and she looks even better 🔥 Again, Sage is a business owner and is ALWAYS traveling for work. The average person would chalk up their health and make that an excuse.. not Sage. Always making better choices when out to eat, always finding to closest gym to crush a workout, and also food shopping on the road which I preach! Cannot wait to see where she is by Summer 👀💪
Sage 11 Week Transformation
Sage II
Sage II
8 weeks postpartum.. if you’re a mom in here you know how physically and mentally challenging it can be to get that old figure back especially after 2+ kids. Jill didn’t start tracking her calories until 4 weeks postpartum and all she did was track calories and protein intake (2 most important factors in my opinion unless you’re insulin resistant, etc). She slowly lowered her calories and is finally back into strength training on top of her Flawless workouts a couple times a week. While the scale hasn’t moved much, I’m glad we took pictures to show the difference! Another reason not to OBSESS over the number on a scale and track how you’re looking and feeling every week
Jill I
Jill II
Jill III
Jill IV
12lbs down and it’s just a start for Erik! Erik works his ass off in the gym 6 days a week but really struggles with his eating. He has slowly gotten better every single week (also had 2 vacation trips in the middle of his program haha) and we finally got a go-to high protein breakfast down. Step 1 is finding your go-to high protein breakfast and lunch. From there, get better control of your weekends. Then we just keep showing up and keep showing up ESP when we don’t feel like it 🔥
Erik I
Erik II
Kev lost 20+ lbs and is down 4 inches in his stomach! Kev went from a sedentary lifestyle to working out 4 days per week, doing cold plunges and red light therapy regularly, cryotherapy, and tracking his food! Do you have to do all that to get results? NO! However, it just goes to show how simply starting to build any kind of positive momentum can completely transform your body and your mindset!
Kevin McCourt I
Kein McCourt II
AJ's down 15lbs and has a whole new body comp in just 8 weeks! Same workouts, whole new way of eating. AJ and his wife even started making their own sourdough bread during the course of the program. Strength training, daily light movement, ridding the house of junk food, and continuing to show up every single week 🔥
Shoutout Mary for this incredible progress in just SIX WEEKS! Mary is a mom and works full-time. She committed to working out 3x a week and she has NOT missed! Couple things here, the diet will ALWAYS be the driver BUT there is no replacement for working out and a good strength training program.. they go hand in hand So proud of Mary so far and cannot wait to see what another 6 weeks of consistency does.
Mary 6 Week Transformation
Mary II
Mary III
50 years old, 3 kids, AWESOME body recomp 🔥💪🏻 In the beginning, Sandy struggled to get 100g of protein in a day. Fast forward to today and she has multiple go-to meals leading to a minimum of 120 grams of protein ✅ Our main focus was strength training 3x a week, more protein, and less junk food. This was the result 💪🏻 All credit to Sandy for her hard work and consistency even overcoming a two week vacation in the middle of her program!
Sandy I
Sandy II
Sandy III
All credit to Matt for his amazing 11 week transformation. He lost 15lbs, but more importantly completely transformed his body. We SLOWLY decreased Matt's calories until we found the sweet spot. Matt's secret: cottage cheese, raw honey, and blueberries!
Matt 11 Week Transformation
Matt II
This is what is possible when you hit the ground running and remain consistent for just FIVE straight weeks! Brandon lost 6lbs BUT more importantly, look at the difference in his body comp. Body fat down, muscle up 🔥Brandon quickly found his go-to high protein breakfast and lunch even with his chaotic schedule owning his own business. Oh yea, Brandon enjoys a nice cocktail every weekend as well.. Consistency > perfection 💪
Brandon I
Brandon II
Brandon III
Shoutout Melissa for all her hard work and continuing to crush it even AFTER her 12 weeks were up! My goal for every client is SUSTAINABLE success. This all started with a free two week challenge I launched months ago and Melissa never looked back. On top of that, she is a busy hard-working mom of 3. Any parent knows how difficult it can be prioritizing your health and fitness with kids, work, etc. Make the time, make it a priority.. change your life! Damn proud of Melissa and all her progress.. as always, next level, right back to work we keep showing up 📈💪🏻
Melissa 16 Week Transformation
Melissa II
Melissa III
Shoutout Hailey for looking lean as hell in just 6 weeks! Hailey is a busy mom and a business owner who’s been really sticking to our macros, logging and staying accountable even on weekends. So when the scale *only* moved 5lbs, THIS is why we take before pics and updated progress pics! This is exactly what we want to see through just 6 weeks and I’m confident the scale will catch up. THIS is the definition of fat loss.. can’t wait to see her progress in another 6 weeks!
Hailey I
Hailey II
Shoutout Britt for the awesome transformation over the course of 16 weeks! She lost 5lbs but MORE importantly look at the difference in her body comp and body fat! Britt has more energy, less cravings for snacks and her performance in her workouts has 📈She accomplished this over the holidays, an Eagles Super Bowl run, her birthday festivities and traveling for work! You don’t have to be perfect to get results, but you do have to show up every week consistently ✅ Really proud of Britt and all her hard work.. no stopping here 💪
Britt 16 Week Transformation
Britt II
Britt III
Shoutout Sage for hitting the ground running and accomplishing this in just FIVE weeks! Down 10lbs, down a bra size, and look at the difference in her face, the love handles and her stomach! For the first time ever, she has a size small dress and she has not been the same size as her sister in almost 8 years (now she is)! She has also been getting STRONGER in the gym 👀💪 Can’t wait to share where she is with another 7 weeks of consistency!
Sage 5 Week Transformation
Sage II
Sage 1 Year Transformation
Down 8lbs, fitting into old pants she couldn't fit in in years! Same workouts, whole new diet. 3 meals a day centered around protein with an emphasis on whole foods. Jenn also accomplished this with multiple work trips and social events!
Jenn I
Jenn II
Alyssa lost 35lbs in 9 weeks! 35 pounds! She didn't starve herself or spend hours on the elliptical. Instead, she focused on strength training 3x per week and getting rid of inflammatory ingredients in her diet! She makes sure she gets her daily light movement everyday and prioritizes protein! Her journey and transformation is far from over.
Alyssa II
Mike Mason's 12 Week Transformation!
Andy is down almost 15lbs in 11 weeks, which he said his weight would NEVER fluctuate more than 1-2lbs! As you can see, he put on LEAN muscle mass at the same time. Andy never had an awful diet, but he struggled with planning and a crazy schedule. We tweaked his diet and Andy has been crushing his personalized workout program since day 1!
Bill lost 30 pounds in just 5 weeks should be motivation for anyone trying lose weight or shed some fat! Bill is a father of 4, works the overnight shift (sometimes 24 hours straight), and accomplished this. No excuses, credit to Bill on his incredible health and fitness journey in just 5 weeks!
Shoutout Kat for this awesome progress in 12 weeks! AGAIN, another example of not being obsessed and fixated on the scale, THIS is why we take before and after pictures. Can’t imagine her body fat percentage from where we first started! Kat also accomplished all this over the holidays and continued to show up for her workouts 📈
Kat 12 Week Transformation
"I started working with Frank In 2016. At that time, I was 195lbs with poor eating habits, no structured workouts, and no lifestyle hacks to improve my overall health. Fast forward to 2023, and I've optimized my health with Frank's guidance and coaching. I'm down 30lbs since 2016 and have Improved my athletic performance, health markers, and overall well-being".
Craig lost 10lbs but more importantly completed changed his entire body composition! Instead of cutting Craig's calories, we just focused on cleaner foods. Craig got a WildFork account to have his meat and protein delivered to him, in which he dedicates 1-2 days a week to meal prep. Excited to share Craig's transformation again in week 12!
Shoutout Steph for this AWESOME transformation through 11 weeks! Down 10lbs but MORE importantly, fitting into all new clothes, and really shedding that unwanted body fat 🔥 Again, pictures, measurements and how your clothes fit can really tell your fat loss story since we all don’t have access to a body fat tracker like In Body Scan, etc. Steph completely changed the way she eats since our very first week. She also has a full-time job AND a part-time job on top of that.. oh yea she accomplished this over the holidays as well 💪
Steph 11 Week Transformation
Steph II
Here’s an update on Bill who is down 20lbs now but more importantly look at the difference in his body comp and body fat 🔥📈 Damn proud of him for completely changing life, his habits, and his diet! This was all accomplished over the holidays, an Eagles Super Bowl run and he also travels a lot for work. No excuses.. whole foods, his personalized macros, go-to meals and Bill has been a beast in the gym for as long as I’ve known him 💪🏻
Bill 6 Month Transformation
Bill 6 Month II
Shoutout Mackenzie for showing up and putting in the work since week 1! Mackenzie is super busy working long hours as a nurse BUT she preps her food every time and still crushes her macros. Again, another reason why tracking body comp is so important here if we don’t have access to something like an InBody Scan that accurately tracks body fat %. Stay consistent, show up for yourself, and I can’t wait to see where she is in another 4-8 weeks!
Mackenzie 8 Week Transformation
Mackenzie II
Shoutout Aaliyah for all her hard work since week 1, day 1! Aaliyah is a busy nursing student who is an absolute athlete in the gym. Reminder: our diet and what we do OUTSIDE the gym will have the biggest impact on our weight and body comp! Aaliyah quickly found her go-to high protein meals and we also INCREASED her calories which resulted in her LOSING weight. I can’t wait for her to continue her journey.. keep showing up, keep being consistent!
Aaliyah I
Aaliyah II
8 Week Transformation!
John II
Sean quickly built an awesome base working out 3-4x per week! He now starts his journey on building LEAN muscle mass. Cannot wait to show his continued progress!
5 weeks in, down 4 pounds, Complete change in body composition.
Jeremy's been a hard gainer his whole life. He has since took it to another level. He implimented everything right away and found his go-to high protein and high fat meals. He is adding LEAN muscle mass in the cleanest way by strength training and hitting his personalized macros from whole foods and real ingredients!
Jeremy II
In just 40 days into her program, C achieved these incredible results. She’s been seeing gut doctors for years and has not been able to eat any red meat. After having 0 gut issues since starting my program, she tried red meat and had no side effects! Aside from her incredible lean muscle transformation, C is able to reintroduce foods back into her diet again after healing her gut! LFG
Bill is down close to 15lbs in 4 months, but more importantly, look at the change in his body comp and body fat! Bill has been doing the same type workouts, HOWEVER, he completely changed his diet and habits and THAT is how he’s sustained his progress. Sky's the limit when you continuously show up and not OBSESS over the scale!
Bill I
Bill II
Shoutout BreAnne for her awesome progress in just 7 weeks! She works crazy hours with her job but she has made the tweaks to the diet every single week. BreAnne also shows up for her workouts every week and has crushed some recipes from the Cookbook! HAVE to keep showing up.. consistency and patience 📈 Proud of her, celebrate every win.. then right back to work.
BreAnne 7 Week Transformation
BreAnne II
Shoutout Danielle for her AWESOME progress and whole new way of eating over the course of her program! When she first came to me about coaching, I was honest with her and told her I thought she was already in great shape and that body comp would be our goal over any number on the scale. Fast forward to today, we no longer weigh in weekly and our sole focus is improving every single week with logging and our protein target and look at the results! Danielle looks leaner, healthier and more toned 💪 That toned look most of us want comes from strength training and protein (along with clean eating of course).. not from HIIT classes 👀 Danielle is also a vegan which is more challenging to get protein and amino acids in, but she has improved SO MUCH from where we first started, she is now crushing her protein target almost everyday with good clean choices!
Danielle 12 Week Transformation
Danielle II
Danielle III
My guy Bryan added 6lbs of LEAN muscle mass in 9 weeks! More importantly, he completely changed his body comp in just over two months! I told Bryan in the beginning what I tell all my clients trying to add some lean lbs.. it’s always harder to add lean lbs than it is to drop 10-15lbs by simply eating less calories. Bryan could’ve ‘dirty bulked’ and just ate reckless calories throughout his day to add weight anyway he could (I used to do this, and I don’t recommend it). Instead, he decided to trust the process and we slowly just kept adding more clean calories ESP at breakfast to start his day.
Bryan II
I have not had this much definition in years, you're a god damn magician!
“You definitely helped me so much! Thanks for listening to me and guiding me in the right direction. I am down 7 pounds, down a pant size and down a shirt size. For the last 12 weeks, I exercised 3-5x/week, clean eating about 85% of the time and decreased alcohol intake.”
“Before working with FTV Fitness, I thought I was ‘healthy.’ Frank showed me the power of real food, fasting and how to workout with intention. His knowledge and expertise goes far beyond your average trainer on social media today. If you’re looking to look your best for a long, healthy life, look no further. FTV Fitness is a no brainer.”
5 Week Transformation
As Sean would say, 'no more love handles'. In my opinion, creating a calorie deficit and dropping some quick lbs is easier than adding LEAN muscle mass. It's important not to just eat anything you can get your hands on to 'bulk'. Sean is well on his way to continuing to add lean muscle mass!
I can definitely notice more muscle in my nack/traps in just 3 weeks. I also noticed that I can eat an entire meal and not feel bloated I guess because I haven’t had much fake sugars/high sodium!
Bryan M
Bryan II
Brandi II
“Frank introduced me to a healthier way of eating/living along with a dynamic strength training program that is both challenging and rewarding. After a few short weeks, I immediately experienced the positive impacts these changes had on my life and business.”
“I am a 56 year old man that has been searching for something to help change how I feel and look. I have been going to the gym for a year and a half with ok results but once I incorporated Franks program I really saw a difference! I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks and was able to completely change my bad eating habits. I have more energy and have learned so much about eating healthy. His help during these 2 weeks has been LIFE CHANGING!”
“This challenge wasn't easy. My diet sucks and scheduling workout time isn't easy for me. Went 85% on the "diet" and was able to drop 6 pounds in a week. Then another 2 the second week. Once you sent out the vacation/at home workouts I followed those. They were super helpful. Loved the content and information.”
“As of this morning, I lost 14 pounds. I didn't realize how bad I ate or felt every day until I began fasting and avoiding those oils. My overall gut health has dramatically improved after years of dealing with chronic problems. 1 have had zero bloating while using the recommended ingredients, and I can't believe it took me this long to take control of my eating habits.”
I've had IBS for the majority of my life. The doctors always emphasized a diet high in fiber and gave me medicine for it. Turns out I just needed to cut out all the garbage food ingredients. I'm convinced that's what IBS is, our bodies rejecting the terrible ingredients In our food. It's mildly infuriating that doctors don't look for any of that. They recommend elimination diets, low fodmap diets, etc. and that's It. I haven't had any IBS symptoms since starting your program!
“Hey Frank! I just wanted to say thank you for the 14 day fasting program and the food guide. It's amazing how changing out different types of oils and snacks can make such a big difference. The change in energy throughout the day and overall feeling was amazing. The workouts were challenging but 1 have felt so much better since starting them. Thank you again can't wait to do more in the future.”
“Frank just wanted to give you an update. I am continuing to work out and have lost 14 pounds now and went from 193 to 179. I haven't been 179 since high school. I cut out all inflammatory oils but am eating better and actually more just slot of protein. I was a big French vanilla creamer drinker and Diet Pepsi drinker. I feel great! Just wanted to say thanks again!”
“I actually ended up losing 7 lbs. Not sure if a lot was water weight or what but I also paired fasting with HIlT classes 3-4x a week + playing basketball 2hrs at a time on off days. The life fasting circle/group was awesome. Really helped me stay on track and hit my goals of fasting. Building a community all looking to attain their individual goals is exactly what I needed to continue fasting post challenge. Ftvfitness is on the rise.”
“I'm a 21 year old male , heavily into fitness. I did Franks 14 day challenge and that's when I first got introduced into intermittent fasting. He recommended me fast for 14hrs and it definitely toned my body more than it already was within the first week. I'm going to continue intermittent fasting. Not only do I feel more energized and less bloated . I feel a difference in the way my body operates. He also helped me a lot when it came to inflammatory oils, refined sugar etc that I had no idea about. He definitely is knowledgeable and helped me learn a a lot and still is providing helpful information for me.”
Hey Frank! Two updates for you: 1. With that half inch gone around my waist I'm fitting into more pre-maternity clothes 🙌🏻 I went to lunch yesterday and felt comfortable in my outfit. 2. I haven't had to take my GI medicine because my gut is feeling so much better right now 🥳
Yo Frank!! Been feeling great. Got all the workouts in this week. Been trying to stay on top of meal prep too. That's been a BIG help with staying as consistent as I can. We've been bringing more potatoes Into the routine too. I feel like I'm finding a solid, repeatable food routine.
The way I'm feeling is telling already. I was never super consistent with eating so being on it now and then adding in these variations of workouts, I already feel ten times better!
I weighed 207, down from 215 two weeks ago. Now I don't freak out about going over 2000 calories and still lose weight, which I have done before. The workouts feel great. They are very similar to what I used to do but adding HIIT on has been great. They are challenging workouts and get the body moving! It's really amazing and being held accountable helps me so much. I think virtually eliminating snacking and eating like 90% whole foods is very important.
Coming a long great, I jumped on the scale Thursday morning and was at 242, down from 257 from the beginning. It's definitely getting a lot easier to eat these meals. Don't get me wrong, I have cravings but for the most part, I eat as clean as I can. Gym-wise, I find myself getting stronger and running faster than I think I ever did!
Back down to 199. Body comps are good. My wife said she can tell the difference and I can definitely see it mainly in my arms and legs. The gut has a long ways to go, but like you said, I don't get to choose where the fat goes first!
Your workouts are a HUGE shake up from my standard push/pull isometric routine I was stuck in so I'm feeling a lot more progress after each workout, especially legs.
I feel amazing! Like I said my stomach issues went away. I don't hurt or feel bloated after I eat anymore. I'm loving the process!
167.8lbs this morning 💪 been maintaining that higher weight a lot more consistently recently. Morning weight was usually 160-165lbs!
Thanks man, I'm so happy with the way I look now! I'm hearing from my friends how much skinnier I look and I'm down a whole shirt size!
I honestly feel I'm going full throttle now! It was a bit of a learning curve at first figuring out the meals and macros and getting that routine down, as well as getting used to the new workout routine/flow. But now I feel fucking locked in on all fronts!
Dude, I've had stomach issues and discomfort for awhile. It's crazy how fast you change the diet and it corrects. Overall, I feel amazing!
Probably the first ever picture of me on a beach as an adult that I have abs even remotely visible without having to flex/contract them. Felt good not to be self conscious or worried about posing for a picture!
Feeling amazing!!! I feel so much better overall. My clothes are fitting better, I'm not bloated. I've been getting told I look leaner as well!
Dropped 2 more pounds, in the 270s now! I feel great!
Great week, feeling great! Weight is still up, been hanging around 169-170lbs this week 💪 This week's chest workout slaughtered my chest!
It's crazy I've been putting up highs in weight, feeling explosive, but looking way leaner in only 4 weeks!
It's super challenging, my weight never fluctuates more than 2lbs so dropping 10lbs is really something!
Man, the meals I’ve been doing from your cookbook and the workouts! I just did legs, back and bi last night and I feel great today. Even better that I weighed in 6lbs less than last week which Is pretty cool. But feeling better, and starting to see results just from switching everything in a week is insane!
I really love the workouts you provided! Keeping my heart rate up throughout my entire time at the gym makes a huge difference. I also love using the row machine. I never used it prior to last week and I was so sore just from that. I will continue to incorporate cardio in between workouts going forward. Whenever I used to do upper body days I felt like I never had a great workout because I was never getting my heart rate up so this makes all of the difference.
Omg I’m honestly so sad it’s done already lol. The weeks flew by! You’ve helped me tremendously these last 12 weeks! Helped me get wedding ready and just in the best shape I ever was in my life. Along with gaining sooooo much knowledge nutrition & workout wise. You saved my gut health 🙌🏼. So thank you for everything! amazing program, keep killing it. I hope your clientele continues to grow bc everyone deserves to do a program like yours. Don’t be surprised if I come back for another 12 week program lol.
The workouts are awesome! I'm definitely feeling them! I’ve learned so much from you already!
It’s so much to learn! I’m literally retraining myself how to eat . All of your information has been so damn helpful. I love the workouts, I feel fantastic!
The first week was awesome, workouts absolutely killed me. After the first week, I feel so much better because I’m really aiming to eat cleaner now and stay strict to this challenge. I find myself wanting to actually get out and be more active even on the days when I know I can’t go to the gym I still get out and walk a minimum of a mile and a half!
I feel the best I have in years, hands down. I tried going for higher protein and took your list of super foods into account and tried avocado for the first time and I absolutely LOVE it. My moods have also been phenomenal, I don’t feel sluggish, and I’m actually starting to feel more confident with how I’m starting to look!
Challenge Participant
The egg liver quiche and avocado is 100% my new breakfast routine. The work outs have been going great. Thank you for challenging me to better myself, I’ve really enjoyed it and it’s only the beginning of this journey!
Challenge Participant
I feel incredible! I've actually lost a few lbs over the past two weeks too, which is nice! I definitely won't be going back to eating any of the crap I was prior to this challenge! It's so nice to feel full, but not be bloated haha!
Challenge Participant
I’m feeling really good. Did a few workouts and they are challenging but satisfying. Need to do more still. As of Wednesday I was down 5ish lbs since the last Wednesday. Pants are fitting better, Keeping it going!
Challenge Participant
I am feeling amazing! I can’t get over how great I feel from incorporating cardio into my strength sessions. It is also making it so much easier to get my steps in for the day because half are already done by the time I leave the gym. Before I started this I was getting bored of my typical lifting sessions but now I look forward to coming to the gym and making sure I get each workout in!
Challenge Participant
Frank, I went for my yearly physical and the doctor I have been seeing for years said ‘Whatever you are doing, just keep doing it’! He said he will be cutting my BP meds in half and my blood work looks really good. I lost 15-18lbs and have kept it off since I started following you and your advice. Thanks for your help and all your posts!
The workouts are great as usual. Will definitely carry those workouts over and add a couple more things to it. Love the HIIT in between sets. People saying I’m filling out and looking strong as shit and super lean , leaner than I already was so that’s a good thing!
Challenge Participant
Hey Frank! I took measurements this morning and I lost a half inch off my waist. Kind of crazy with going to the gym just 3x a week and eating more! I'm excited to keep going 💪
Good morning! I am down about 7-8lbs in 3 weeks. In the mirror I noticed a big difference mostly around my thighs!
Marissa P
First time back in the office today since July. Went to go put on my dress pants that are a few sizes too big now haha. It was a struggle to find a work outfit!
Good morning, while I don’t think I look that different I feel great! And I am down 17lbs from 225 to 208 in two weeks!
Kevin M
The program went too quick I appreciate everything man! You really turned my health around. I got taped for my Navy physical assessment two days ago and I dropped 4.75 Inches since my last one and dropped 22lbs! My strength is crazy right now, I feel great, I feel confident in tracking meals/lifts. It’s been an absolute pleasure, and I’ll def be back for another round soon!
Mike G
The wedding is so close and I’m feeling/looking the best I ever have in my life! Thank you so much! I really do love my entire meal plan, it’s so good! Just got 2 more turkey breasts from Costco and that protein/yogurt combo is the best! Seriously I feel my best because of you and this program, so seriously thank you so much for guiding me and sharing all your knowledge!
First I would like to say thank you for giving me a direction of what can happen if you stick to a pan and stay disciplined. Ever since joining the Facebook group and seeing what you share in there makes it easy as to what foods are clean and not. Before I first started I was super out of shape and always burnt out. After the first couple of workouts I started to enjoy the gym. The workouts really felt like you were always moving and working. Definitely feel a lot better and healthier than when I first started. Thanks again Frank!
Mike M
Good morning, just took a progress pic and weighed myself. Down 7lbs in my first week, LFG!!!
Mike M
I lost 4 inches off my belly! Trainer noticed, then came out with the measuring tape. Thanks to you! No I am not stopping...just updating!
Kevin M
I’m pumped. I’m really feeling a difference. I feel confident, I have a good routine going. I’ve got meals planned weeks-months out. I’m cruising! I also need to go shopping for smaller clothes sizes soon.
Thank you!! Haven’t weighed myself yet but feeling really good. Have to go out this weekend to buy new workout clothes because body comp is changing so much!!
Win for today!! I did 7 regular push-ups, usually can only do like 3 and this was after all the bench presses!