Why I Became a Health & Fitness Coach

1. I've become obsessed with exercise, nutrition, and wellness.

2. I want to change people's lives and build one of the biggest health and fitness communities out there because I know what the fuck I am doing!

3. I hate the career path I'm currently in.

4. I've been doing this stuff behind the scenes for years now. I enjoy taking all the science-y information out there from people I trust and relaying that to the common man/woman to optimize lives!

What Took Me So Long?


  • fear of judgment

  • fear of being on camera

  • fear on filming myself in the gym

  • fear of failure

  • fear of constantly caring what other people think

2. Lack of knowledge with social media. I never even made a reel before I started this whole thing. I felt like a fossil in the beginning when my wife had to show me how to create the simplest things on Instagram.

3. Would I have time to juggle a full-time job, creating content, serving my clients to the best of my ability, and being the best husband and father I can be.

What Changed?

Sounds simple, but I simply just stopped caring what people think.

I put myself out there and I'm not looking back.

When you become obsessed with something like I have become with this health and fitness coaching, you just make the time work. I will not fail. I will juggle everything until this becomes my career and I am able to serve my clients 100% of the time with everything I got.


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