

Creami recipe:

-1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

-1/2 cup organic coconut milk

-1 serving Levels double chocolate protein 

Mix in: dark chocolate chips, date caramel, peanuts 

Date caramel:

Almond butter date caramel:

-1 cup pitted Dates

-1/4 cup Almond Butter

-1/4 cup hot water or unsweetened almond milk

-1 tsp Vanilla Extract

-1/4 tsp sea Salt


1. Put the dates and soak them with the hot water in a bowl for 15-20 min (make sure they’re all covered, you may need a little extra water)

2. Scoop the dates into blender and add almond butter, vanilla and salt

3. Pour in a little of the liquid from dates and blend

4. Depending on the consistency, you can add additional liquid


Lara Bar


Peppermint mocha