Warmups/HIIT/Core, • 8/6/24 Hollow holds for core Previous Hollow rocks for core Next Leg raises on mat You Might Also Like Try THIS if shoulder pain is preventing you from doing tricep dips on flat bench! Treadmill Sprints Barbell Upright Rows (7,7,7 reps changing grips after each 7 with no rest) Dumbbell Farmer Carries Bent Over Cable Bar Lat Pulldowns
Warmups/HIIT/Core, • 8/6/24 Hollow holds for core Previous Hollow rocks for core Next Leg raises on mat You Might Also Like Try THIS if shoulder pain is preventing you from doing tricep dips on flat bench! Treadmill Sprints Barbell Upright Rows (7,7,7 reps changing grips after each 7 with no rest) Dumbbell Farmer Carries Bent Over Cable Bar Lat Pulldowns